Saturday, June 14, 2008

Humidity for your skin

The Skin for 70 percent consists of water. Percent 12 from them is located in a horn layer with thickness only in the 100-th share of millimeter (see p. 8 and 11). This coupling from отмерших the become horny cells of a leather plays a main role in preservation of humidity.
Cosmetic leaving is aimed at that the horn layer kept elasticity, first of all it means stabilization of its humidity. Then it protects underlaying layers in which the basic reserves of a moisture are kept. The most true means of maintenance in a horn layer of optimum humidity - undoubtedly, regular leaving with humidifying preparations. If before their action it was limited to several hours from modern preparations it is possible to expect effect within the whole day, and at regular application - long-term action. If you in two-rub hours after drawing a humidifying preparation have a desire to repeat drawing, means, you need to replace a preparation. Probably, it contains enough humidifying substances, but in it fat does not suffice. Such preparations are very good for a fat leather, but for dry it is required lotion in which enough fat owing to what it is possible to keep a moisture long contains.

humidity for dry skinSuch humidifying substances, as liposomes are especially effective. Ceramids - too substances which have been developed specially for linkage of a moisture in a leather and have shown good action. Such external as the sun, dry air and wrong leaving, and also inevitable process of ageing, reduce a natural stock of a moisture in skin. Therefore just at a dry skin it is necessary to avoid everything, that (though outside though from within) in addition take away from a leather a moisture.
Alcohol. It is one of the most malicious thieves of a moisture as it takes away mineral substances from fabrics, that lowering ability of fabrics to keep a moisture.

Laxative pills and means dry. They too wash away mineral substances from a body and simultaneously with it is a moisture from a skin.

the sun. It reduces a stock of a moisture in a leather the double harmful influence, not only drying up a horn layer, but also deeply getting into fabrics ultra-violet radiation that causes hardening collagenic fibres in a connecting fabric, and these fibres any more in a condition to reserve former quantity of a moisture.

the Central heating and climatic devices. If at you a dry skin, you should get a measuring instrument of humidity and to take all measures supporting humidity of air in norm by means of special dampeners or indoor plants (the Cyprian grass and green lilies are especially good for this purpose).

Here are some products which will help you to maintain humidity in your skin...

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